Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Salt Lake City Birthday Trip!

I have no idea how to lighten or rotate a photo on here. ohwell... lol Kayman and I finally went out of town! For our birthday weekend. Our birthdays are super close together mine is July 28th and Kayman's is July 30th so we get to celebrate alot in a close time frame ! It had been since our honeymoon since going out of town for more than a overnighter. We went up to Salt Lake city and shopped went sight seeing and just had a fun time relaxing. Our first hotel we had two double beds.. lol there was no way we would be sleeping in the same bed that night so it was retro like the 50s. hahaaha we didnt take very many pictures which is kinda sad but next time we will! We stayed in park city very pretty sooo green! We got to go up a chair lift did not like that at all (I am afraid of heights) Kayman had to take about 3 picture before the look of horror wasn't completely obvious on the chair lift.  We rode the sled ride that was fun! I also got cooked ! We were outside for a hour and a half.... sad... It sucks being so white. Good thing my husband is brown :)

Monday, August 15, 2011


We have a new addition to the Clark family. Thor "Crocodile" Clark. We got him on 06/18/11.He is such a cutie he 8 weeks old now. When we picked him up he was only 3 weeks old. He got his teeth in early. We drove all the way to the slums of Kingman,AZ to get him. We decided we would took care of him better than where we got him at so we brought him home early. The first night we had him I was soooo worried and would wake up at the slightest noise... While Kayman snoozed away. ( now I snooze and kayman wakes up lol uhh does this mean my motherly instict is limited?) He was so little we had to get milk replacement for him to drink! We have had lots of help from Kayman's little sisters and his mom. Thank GOODNESS! He brings alot of fun to our apartment and makes us want to have a house sooo much more now! And making me think more about becoming a mommy. but shhhh!!! potty training is still in the works. lol His nick name is crocodile because he loves to chomp and nip ( hopefully its just  a stage he will grow out of :$) He does not like to be left alone.. but he is getting better and entertaining himself.  We love him and are happy to have the new addition to our family.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spicy Mac and Cheese!

Famous Dave's spicy mac and cheese! This was yummy but turned out a bit too spicy..The recipe I am going to post has the jalapeno halved from the original recipe. haha

1 box of stouffer mac n cheese( I used Kraft mac n cheese)
1 cup of corn (a little less than a full cup)
1/8 cup of finely chopped jalapeno
1tsp of parsley (sparingly tsp)
1tbsp brown mustard
1oz Parmesan shredded cheese
1oz cheddar cheese shredded( add more or less for cheesiness to your taste buds I will add a bit more next time)

prepare mac n cheese normally. stir in corn jalapenos, parsley, mustard and shredded cheeses. Then pour into dish to bake mac n cheese for 8-10 min at 350.

mmmmm mmm SUGAR!

Ok let me start off if you are trying to loose weight DO NOT MAKE this ..but its soo worth the calories!lol
Kayman's mom found this recipe on someones blog. Its sooo delicious!
Here is the recipe :
1 cup sugar
1 cup karo syrup ( I used light karo syrup)
1 cup butter
boil for 5 min add 1tsp of vanilla
pour over
( use a large bowl and rubber spatula to stir/fold )
 6 cups of rice chex
6 cups of golden grahams
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup of coconut( I used a little less than cup)

I used tin foil and made individual portions. Kayman had to finish cleaning up for me since I was eating way too much of this yummy mix ..I brought some to work and they were demolished before 1030am. yummy!

Friday, May 20, 2011


I was blessed with a job promotion at my work. Admissions director at Silver Hills Health Care Center. It is AMAZING!! I absolutely love LOVE my new job position. AND i am GOOD at it!Yes it is more responsibility BUT I am so happy! I get to use my brain work out problems meet new people and have them ACTUALLY LIKE ME! I used to be a bill collector in my old position and MAN it was starting to wear me down. Health care is so expensive even when you have health insurance. So it was challenging but mundane... it was who else owes the company a arm and a leg that I need to call and harass or file a small claims to lien their home. ANYWAYS I don't have to do that anymore and I am so grateful. It does scare me that I will put off having kids for a little while so I can enjoy working and not have to worry about a baby. sorry mom.  lol don't worry too much.. Here is my photo that goes up on a wall at work. It turned out good surprisingly, due to Kayman and I waited for almost a hour before getting this picture taken. I was worried it was gonna show my irritation in my smile. lol

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Married life and happenings

So Kayman and I have been married almost 5 months.:)Somehow it feels like alot longer. Not in a bad way ofcourse. We have been called to be nursery leaders in our ward I still don't know how I feel about it. It's fun but little kids are just kinda lame they can't do alot of fun stuff like primary aged kids.I dont really know how to feel about our new ward. Kayman has a paintball tournament this weekend in mesquite. He is pretty excited for it. He has a broken finger so hopefully he will be able to play. Well married life is great hopefully we will be able to go camping and travel somewhere fun soon.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Okay okay... I have been dreading blogging and putting up pictures cause it takes soooooo loong! The wedding turned out amazing. My mom and family worked so hard putting everything together. The day before I did a pretty good job of not turning into a bridezilla. It was close though. haha ;) My cousin Rachael helped alot with just that keeping me from being evil mean! Anyways it was such a good day its crazy it has almost been 4 months since then. Well here is a few pictures.