Friday, May 20, 2011


I was blessed with a job promotion at my work. Admissions director at Silver Hills Health Care Center. It is AMAZING!! I absolutely love LOVE my new job position. AND i am GOOD at it!Yes it is more responsibility BUT I am so happy! I get to use my brain work out problems meet new people and have them ACTUALLY LIKE ME! I used to be a bill collector in my old position and MAN it was starting to wear me down. Health care is so expensive even when you have health insurance. So it was challenging but mundane... it was who else owes the company a arm and a leg that I need to call and harass or file a small claims to lien their home. ANYWAYS I don't have to do that anymore and I am so grateful. It does scare me that I will put off having kids for a little while so I can enjoy working and not have to worry about a baby. sorry mom.  lol don't worry too much.. Here is my photo that goes up on a wall at work. It turned out good surprisingly, due to Kayman and I waited for almost a hour before getting this picture taken. I was worried it was gonna show my irritation in my smile. lol


  1. I'm happy you enjoy your new job! And your blog looks great!

  2. I love your blog! I need help from you and your sister with blogging! And I'm so happy that you got a promotion at work!
