Monday, August 15, 2011


We have a new addition to the Clark family. Thor "Crocodile" Clark. We got him on 06/18/11.He is such a cutie he 8 weeks old now. When we picked him up he was only 3 weeks old. He got his teeth in early. We drove all the way to the slums of Kingman,AZ to get him. We decided we would took care of him better than where we got him at so we brought him home early. The first night we had him I was soooo worried and would wake up at the slightest noise... While Kayman snoozed away. ( now I snooze and kayman wakes up lol uhh does this mean my motherly instict is limited?) He was so little we had to get milk replacement for him to drink! We have had lots of help from Kayman's little sisters and his mom. Thank GOODNESS! He brings alot of fun to our apartment and makes us want to have a house sooo much more now! And making me think more about becoming a mommy. but shhhh!!! potty training is still in the works. lol His nick name is crocodile because he loves to chomp and nip ( hopefully its just  a stage he will grow out of :$) He does not like to be left alone.. but he is getting better and entertaining himself.  We love him and are happy to have the new addition to our family.

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