Friday, July 30, 2010

Birthday Fun :)

I love that me and Kayman's birthdays are 2 days apart. That means alot of fun! Also whats great is we can buy a "big" birthday present for the both of us. This year we bought a nice  big TV for us since we love watching movies together. For my birthday when I was working Kayman came and decorated my truck with flowers, balloons and love notes on the windows.

Kayman's birthday is today and he is sooo hard to suprise. He always knows when I am up to something, I am not very sneaky. haha. So I cut out lips for kisses 22 of them since he turned 22.  I was going to tape them all over his blazer but it was overcast today so I didnt want the pink and red paper to bleed onto his white truck..So I taped them to his front door.  The big kiss says " Kayman, twenty-two kisses from me to you! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday ! Happy Birthday! Love, Jessica"  I am getting off work early today to spend more time with him on his birthday :)  Hopefully we will have a great evening I will post pictures later of tonights celebration.

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