Saturday, August 10, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Baby Kaysie

Belly photos! :) 17 weeks 19weeks 26 weeks and 36 weeks !
Pregnancy has been quite a learning experience. The beginning of the pregnancy I had awful morning sickness which was not just in the morning it was ALL day long especially at night when I was trying to go to bed. Luckily I have my own office at work so I was able to throw up in my office trash can without too many spectators. Funny places I threw up - garage floor as I was getting in the car trying to be on my way to work.
- side of the freeway on my way into work
- petsmart parking lot after eating ribs
That's just to name a few. It's funny now but there were nights I would cry because I would feel so awful wanting to die because of the nausea. Not joking I really wanted to die. Once morning sickness subsided a new symptom started horrible horrible heartburn. I actually woke up choking from the acid coming up from my belly :( scariest thing ever! I pulled a muscle in my back after pulling weeds. which seriously I hope labor doesn't hurt that bad. Lots of tears for a week and half before the pain started to finally get better. Pregnancy has not been fun. The fun part is knowing there is a beautiful little girl inside me that Heavenly Father has trusted me and Kayman with. We are so excited to meet her. Only 25 days or less to go:)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Emily and the temple

Last Saturday was such a great day! My older sister Emily made the decision to receive her endowments in the temple! It was awesome day. It doesn't happen too often to have all your brothers and sisters and parents in the temple all at the same time. Emily looked beautiful! like always!
It was Kaysies first time in the temple too! :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Baby Kaysie

In late oct I decided to take a pregnancy test 4 days early was on a Friday right after work before Kayman got home. And low and behold it showed positive!!! I was soo shocked because we had been trying for almost a year. I dropped to my knees instantly to thank my Heavenly Father. Kayman was just on his way home so I quickly drove to target and got cute little unisex onsies and a card that said congrats on the good news. When Kayman got home I said it was a late anniversary gift .. But when he saw the card he knew something was up. We were both so excited ! We are so thankful for this blessing. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We have upgraded to a KING SIZE mattress ... haters dont Hate. Really WE love our new bed. Judge all you want ...Both me and Kayman are not little so squeezing on a Queen size mattress was cute for awhile but we really didnt get that great of rest/sleep. So we are enjoying are new purchase ... :)

updates updates updates!~

Sooo.. I have been awful ...Its be way way too long since my last post.. BUT with that comes soo many awesome fun things to blog about. Our family has grown by four paws! Her name is Freckles and she is a cute Dalmatian. Kaymans sister Kaysha named her. She is a big cuddle bug! She loves me soo much and I am soo happy I get to cuddle her everyday!

We BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! AWESOME- (I KNOW) lol And what is even more awesome is that we got a Sweet Native American loan only 2% down and no mortgage insurance . We worked our butts off! It was such a stressful ordeal... Im glad we bought a big enough house to grow into and we shouldn't outgrow for a very long time. 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths. ONE story with a pretty big back yard for our pups to run around.

Seriously BLOOD SWEAT LOTS OF SWEAT AND TEARS went into our home... We bought our home from a elderly couple who didnt not keep up with cleaning..... the dust and blah! nastiness everywhere.. I contemplated on hiring a cleaning crew.. but the amount of cleaning and strenuous scrubbing needed would of cost our first born. lol. Thank the Lord I have been born to goodly parents . Who spent HOURS helping fixing nail holes, dents, installing a doggie door, painting and cleaning. Cleaning the layers and layers of caked on grease on the kitchen cabinets.  Even my sister and her little ones helped every way they could. The carpet in this place had a strange red  cool-aid lookin stain in EVERY darn room. Also the master closet carpet had been drenched in cat pee... We ripped that up ASAP even before Kaymans generous parents bought us new fluffy CLEAN carpet. can you say blessing! Hallelujah! here is one of the projects :

Gold door knobs sooo dated! We bought some rustoluem oil rubbed bronze spray paint and went to town! Seriously it was a large task... we have a big house and buying all new door knobs was absolutley not a option. We spray painted all the hinges and closet door knobs we even spray painted the gold ring on the ceiling light fixtures in the hallways. IT made a HUGE difference. the spray paint is holding up well. we do have a few sratches here and there but overall it was completly worth the 2 cans of 8 dollar spray paint.
Here is another project that I think looks pretty darn good.

this is in our entry way and Kayman layed out where all the pictures went on the wall.. Sometimes he does things that suprises me and it shouldnt because his mom is so good at stuff like this. I am going to post some other new and improved projects that we have done over the next few days. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Salt Lake City Birthday Trip!

I have no idea how to lighten or rotate a photo on here. ohwell... lol Kayman and I finally went out of town! For our birthday weekend. Our birthdays are super close together mine is July 28th and Kayman's is July 30th so we get to celebrate alot in a close time frame ! It had been since our honeymoon since going out of town for more than a overnighter. We went up to Salt Lake city and shopped went sight seeing and just had a fun time relaxing. Our first hotel we had two double beds.. lol there was no way we would be sleeping in the same bed that night so it was retro like the 50s. hahaaha we didnt take very many pictures which is kinda sad but next time we will! We stayed in park city very pretty sooo green! We got to go up a chair lift did not like that at all (I am afraid of heights) Kayman had to take about 3 picture before the look of horror wasn't completely obvious on the chair lift.  We rode the sled ride that was fun! I also got cooked ! We were outside for a hour and a half.... sad... It sucks being so white. Good thing my husband is brown :)

Monday, August 15, 2011


We have a new addition to the Clark family. Thor "Crocodile" Clark. We got him on 06/18/11.He is such a cutie he 8 weeks old now. When we picked him up he was only 3 weeks old. He got his teeth in early. We drove all the way to the slums of Kingman,AZ to get him. We decided we would took care of him better than where we got him at so we brought him home early. The first night we had him I was soooo worried and would wake up at the slightest noise... While Kayman snoozed away. ( now I snooze and kayman wakes up lol uhh does this mean my motherly instict is limited?) He was so little we had to get milk replacement for him to drink! We have had lots of help from Kayman's little sisters and his mom. Thank GOODNESS! He brings alot of fun to our apartment and makes us want to have a house sooo much more now! And making me think more about becoming a mommy. but shhhh!!! potty training is still in the works. lol His nick name is crocodile because he loves to chomp and nip ( hopefully its just  a stage he will grow out of :$) He does not like to be left alone.. but he is getting better and entertaining himself.  We love him and are happy to have the new addition to our family.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spicy Mac and Cheese!

Famous Dave's spicy mac and cheese! This was yummy but turned out a bit too spicy..The recipe I am going to post has the jalapeno halved from the original recipe. haha

1 box of stouffer mac n cheese( I used Kraft mac n cheese)
1 cup of corn (a little less than a full cup)
1/8 cup of finely chopped jalapeno
1tsp of parsley (sparingly tsp)
1tbsp brown mustard
1oz Parmesan shredded cheese
1oz cheddar cheese shredded( add more or less for cheesiness to your taste buds I will add a bit more next time)

prepare mac n cheese normally. stir in corn jalapenos, parsley, mustard and shredded cheeses. Then pour into dish to bake mac n cheese for 8-10 min at 350.

mmmmm mmm SUGAR!

Ok let me start off if you are trying to loose weight DO NOT MAKE this ..but its soo worth the calories!lol
Kayman's mom found this recipe on someones blog. Its sooo delicious!
Here is the recipe :
1 cup sugar
1 cup karo syrup ( I used light karo syrup)
1 cup butter
boil for 5 min add 1tsp of vanilla
pour over
( use a large bowl and rubber spatula to stir/fold )
 6 cups of rice chex
6 cups of golden grahams
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup of coconut( I used a little less than cup)

I used tin foil and made individual portions. Kayman had to finish cleaning up for me since I was eating way too much of this yummy mix ..I brought some to work and they were demolished before 1030am. yummy!