Saturday, August 10, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Baby Kaysie

Belly photos! :) 17 weeks 19weeks 26 weeks and 36 weeks !
Pregnancy has been quite a learning experience. The beginning of the pregnancy I had awful morning sickness which was not just in the morning it was ALL day long especially at night when I was trying to go to bed. Luckily I have my own office at work so I was able to throw up in my office trash can without too many spectators. Funny places I threw up - garage floor as I was getting in the car trying to be on my way to work.
- side of the freeway on my way into work
- petsmart parking lot after eating ribs
That's just to name a few. It's funny now but there were nights I would cry because I would feel so awful wanting to die because of the nausea. Not joking I really wanted to die. Once morning sickness subsided a new symptom started horrible horrible heartburn. I actually woke up choking from the acid coming up from my belly :( scariest thing ever! I pulled a muscle in my back after pulling weeds. which seriously I hope labor doesn't hurt that bad. Lots of tears for a week and half before the pain started to finally get better. Pregnancy has not been fun. The fun part is knowing there is a beautiful little girl inside me that Heavenly Father has trusted me and Kayman with. We are so excited to meet her. Only 25 days or less to go:)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Emily and the temple

Last Saturday was such a great day! My older sister Emily made the decision to receive her endowments in the temple! It was awesome day. It doesn't happen too often to have all your brothers and sisters and parents in the temple all at the same time. Emily looked beautiful! like always!
It was Kaysies first time in the temple too! :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Baby Kaysie

In late oct I decided to take a pregnancy test 4 days early was on a Friday right after work before Kayman got home. And low and behold it showed positive!!! I was soo shocked because we had been trying for almost a year. I dropped to my knees instantly to thank my Heavenly Father. Kayman was just on his way home so I quickly drove to target and got cute little unisex onsies and a card that said congrats on the good news. When Kayman got home I said it was a late anniversary gift .. But when he saw the card he knew something was up. We were both so excited ! We are so thankful for this blessing. :)